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Yes. Are they willing to sign the application and take the physical? Is there an economic loss, ie insurable interest? Answer If your parents are in good health and are willing to sign the applications and appear for the medical exam, then there is nothing stopping you from taking out a policy in their names. However, in case old age and ill health are factors that are preventing them from being eligible for an affordable policy, there are many insurance companies that specialize in this type of high- risk insurance. Choose a life insurance provider that is well versed with the underwriting process involved in qualifying for such a policy and the resources to find insurance companies dealing with such specialized cases. You could maybe opt for a final expense policy that does not demand a physical since these are small policies intended only to cover funeral expenses. Keep in mind that there is a two year waiting period, in case of a natural death before you can claim any death benefits. Another option is a single-premium policy, where you pay a lump sum premium amount upfront, which can be claimed after death.

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Q: Can you buy life insurance for your parents?
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Can daughters buy life insurance on their father?

Yes. As long as there exists an Insurable Interest between two parties, they can buy life insurance. For instance, there is insurable interest between spouses, parents and their children, and relatives. A daughter may purchase life insurance on her father.

Can you put life insurance on your parents?

If they are elderly parents, Yes. But if you are under 40 you cannot put life insurance on your parents.

At what age can you get life ensurance?

You can get life insurance the day you are born but your parents would have to buy it of course since you would be a new-born child.

How to insure your parents with life insurance?

Call a licensed life insurance agent

Who buys term life insurance?

Many different types of people buy term life insurance for temporary life insurance needs, such as, Individuals Couples Married Couples Young Families Homeowners Newlyweds Expecting Parents People with a Mortgage

Can you take out life insurance on your parent?

Yes you can purchase life insurance on your parent. In order to buy life insurance on another person there must exist an Insurable Interest in that person. There does exist an insurable interest between siblings, spouses, and parents and children.

Do vets get life insurance?

They can buy life insurance...and should!

If i buy a car can i still be on my parents insurance?

Ask your insurance company. It is likely that you parents will need to be the owners.

Where can I buy a life insurance plan?

You can buy a life insurance plan, individually, or a family life insurance plan, from a bank, or an insurance company, such as all state, progressive, or state farm.

Can you put life insurance on anyone like parents syblings or friends?

Yes, you may be able to buy life insurance on your parents and your siblings. If you are related to someone, you may have an insurable interest in them. However, there may not exist an insurable interest between you and your friends. If you rely on someone for financial support, life insurance may be purchased on that person., or if you are relatives.

Is life insurance recommended for single parents?

Life insurance is even more important for single parents as they are likely the sole provider for their child(ren). Life insurance would help provide for them if something happened to the parent.

What type of life insurance should you buy?

Mortgage insurance