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You would normally count back to your last period and it would be between day 12 and day 14 that you fell pregnant. These are the most common ovulating times for women

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Q: Can you back track from your missed period to find out which day it was that you got pregnant?
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Can I be pregnant if my stomach is growing with light periods cramping and lower back pain for the last 2 months but the tests come back negative?

Yes. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period, or have missed a period already

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The only way to be sure is to do a pregnancy test, but a late period and back pain does not mean you are pregnant.

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If you missed more than three pills, you wait till your period is over and start a new pack. This way you get yourself back on track.

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AnswerIf you are already pregnant the only way is abortion or have the baby.

If i know im not pregnant and i had my period then it just like didnt come back the next month what should you do?

wait a week after your missed period and if it still hasn't come then you should take a pregnancy test

What makes you miss a period if you're on Loestrin?

I'm on Loestrin and have just missed my first period on it in three years...but three weeks ago I missed three pills and had to double up a few days to get back on track. I have a period then and now apparently I cant have one at the normal time. However, you should contact your gynocologist.

Are severe lower belly cramps and lower back pain and vaginal discharge signs of pregnancy if you haven't missed your period?

this can be also pms symptoms but wait until a missed period to see if you're pregnant or not--keep in mind pms symptoms and pregnancy sypmtoms are alike--i remember when i got pregnant--i didn't know i was pregnant--i got bloated and having cramps right before my period supposed to come and i missed my period i went to my doctor and he confirm me i was indeed pregnant but the best way is wait until a missed period to take a hpt --best of luckDream OnNo you probabally have something else, maybe menstrual signs. Or if yoyu are pregnant then the baby is seriuosly wrong. Go to the docs Answeryou could be suffering from fribromyalsia. I hear that can be painfull. It could be an infection, it could also be an etopic pregnancy. To play it safe see a dr.

Hi im 20 ive got pregnancy symptoms ive missed a period and ive done a pregnancy test it came back negative but you feel pregnant what do you do?

You should see a doctor and make sure that you find out if you are pregnant.

Has anyone gotten pregnant from Mirena birth control how did thy know?

No birth control method, save abstinence, is 100% effective. If, after a light or missed period, you take a pregnancy test and it comes back positive, you're probably pregnant.

Can i be pregnant if i took a home pregnancy test and it came back negative and im having all the symptoms?

If you have missed several periods then yes your definatly pregnant but nausea, back pain, abdominal pain, headaches and even cramps and moodswings are all part of ur period and menstration.

If you Took 2 packs of pill back to back missed pills in both packs no period on 7 day break pregnancy test negative could you be pregnant?

It is REALLY SIMPLE:If you have sex you CAN become pregnant, pill or no pill, condom or no condom, whatever.There ALWAYS is a possibility (sometimes very small but still greater than zero) of becoming pregnant when sperm is introduced to an ovulating female. Period.