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according to the vampire world, vampire's bodies are frozen meaning they can't give birth unless they marry a human, who knows your mother or father might be a vampire

What the last replier said about the person being frozen is true, but it is also said that, no, female vampires can't have children, not even with humans; the females' menstrual cycles stop. Just thought I'd add that. :]

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Q: Can vampires have children
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What are full blood vampires?

Born vampires...but vampires are not born, they are made. * Vampires that are children of a mother and father that is vampire. (parents have to be full too)

If 2 vampires mate do they have human children or vampires?

Nothing. A vampire can't be pregnant

Can vampires bit children?

Well yea'?

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Apparently so -- Vampires have fathered children (the offspring of a vampire is a Dhampir) so they must have.

Do vampires bite children?

According to legend, vampires do not age, hence, vampire children do not grow up. They remain children. another person - listen vampires are not real. so instead of asking if vampires grow up ask if you should grow up and get a brain!! I'll be happy to answer that . yes and yes you should get a brain and you should grow up already !!

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Don't tell the secret. Vampires must be kept secret.Keep control of all the newborn vampires created.Don't create immortal children.

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Some children might believe in vampires due to exposure to media like books or movies. However, belief in vampires is not as common as belief in other mythical creatures like Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy. Cultural beliefs and family influences play a significant role in shaping children's beliefs in vampires.

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No. They are not real. They are myth. A myth doesn't have children so there can not be vampire children.

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No but if you go to kill the vampires etc children under 7 may be scared

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Yes, of course. Their children will be vampires and glitter in the sun.

Do vampires age?

Traditionally, vampires do not age like humans. They are often portrayed as immortal creatures that do not physically age once they become vampires. However, different stories and lore may depict vampires in various ways regarding aging.

Is childrens can become vampires if yes how?

Children become vampires if bitten by a vampire, same as adults. However their minds will be frozen at whatever stage o development they had reached, so may be uncontrollable.