Yes, honey is safe for pregnant women.
However, infants under the age of 1 should not be given honey due to an increased risk of botulism.
yes. Infants can't though
Clean, Shop, Eat, Drive ... By: KingofCake
You can eat honey whenever you please. There is no specific time you must eat honey.
honey bees eat honey
he loves to eat honey!
honey bees eat no insects but do eat nectar
No, Jews are allowed to eat honey. This is because there is a special exemption in the bible which makes honey Kosher, or pure to eat.
Can someone please help with this question??? i think you can as its not made from cheese...???
Yes, honey is generally safe to consume during pregnancy when pasteurized. It is a natural sweetener that provides some nutritional benefits. However, pregnant women should avoid consuming raw or unpasteurized honey due to the risk of bacterial contamination.
The reason why bees eat honey is because it taste good.
can you eat chirizo when pregnant