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Not unless the circumstances are very unusual such as the parent being neglectful and abusive. If that were the case. the court would designate a guardian ad litem to represent the child until a permanent guardian/conservator could be appointed.

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Q: Can someone other than a parent control a minor beneficiary's life insurance money?
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Related questions

How old can a parent be for a person to get life insurance on them?

Assuming the parent is an adult, most life insurance companies will issue policies on someone as old as age 75-80.

How much medical insurance does the noncustodial parent have to pay?

This is entirely under the control of your custody decree. There is no general answer.

Can a step parent exclude a biological parent from medical insurance access?

Can a step parent exclude a biological parent from medical insurance access?

How can you buy life insurance for a parent?

You can purchase life insurance online for your parent. Anyone can purchase life insurance for their parent, because they have an "Insurable Interest" in their parent. You can compare free life insurance quotes online, or purchase life insurance direct online for a parent. However, your parent may need to sign an application form, and your parent may need to take a physical exam, and/or answer some health questions.

How do you get insurance if a parent who has no license buys your car?

Progressive Insurance can write a policy for you and your parent, but the parent is excluded as a driver because they do not have a license.

Can a non-custodial parent find out how much the custodial parent was reimbursed by insurance carried by the custodial parent?

Only from your insurance. What are your concerns? See my profile.

Can an adult who has one deceased parent sue the other parent for part of the life insurance settlement?

If the other parent is the sole beneficiary in the life insurance policy, no. Participate in the probate process and you might walk away with something. So sad that someone's child would sue their grieving parent. Only if there is some record that the deceased parent wanted the child to have part of the money. If nothing...the insurance company gives the money to the person that has been chosen as the beneficiary. That is all they are required by law to do.

Can you be added to your parent's car insurance?

Yes, it is possible to be added to your parent's car insurance, but there may be an extra premium to be payed.

Can you purchase life insurance on your parent?

Yes, with your parent's knowledge and consent.

What does emancipation proclamation have to with watch night New Year's Eve?

freeing someone from the control of another; especially a parent's relinquishing authority and control over a minor child

Does a 17 year old have to have car insurane in nh?

They have to have insurance. Typically a 17 year old cannot sign the contract, so someone else will have to do so or they are covered under their parent's insurance agreement.

I Got on birth control and wanted to pay for it yourself but they put it on your parents insurance you took it off right away will it still show up on your parents insurance?

Your birth control purchase might still show up on your parent's insurance explanation of benefits depending on how far along the filling of the prescription went before it was canceled. Hopefully your parents will understand that you are being responsible in purchasing birth control.