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Yes they can. You're still a minor and they have legal authority over you in all aspects of your life, including medical issues. The only way this can be avoided is to become an emancipated minor, but that would probably take until you're 18 to do, and by then you'll have control over your own life anyway.

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Q: Can parents force their 16 year old daughter to get a physical?
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no because the daughter totally has a year left with her no matter what From What I know, It's possible for a minor to become legally emancipated from his/her parents if the family goes to court.

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I'm pretty sure that's illegal.

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Eighteen year-olds have reached the age of majority and are legally considered adults under the law, so parents can not legally force an 18 year-old to take a drug test. However, the situation is complicated if the 18 year-old is still living with their parents because parents can also legally force 18 year-olds out of their house.