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of course

ANyone can.

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Q: Can kids masterbute
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I tried to masterbute but after the precome all that came out was urine. what should i do.?


What percentage of woman masterbute?

There is no correct answer for this question. Many girls are afraid and lie when asked this question.

Can you get peregrinate if you masterbute?

ask haseeb malik at btw im gay xoxo

3 times masterbute in day is wrong?

"Wrong" is a moral/ethical term. Masturbating 3 times a day is not unhealthy, unless it interferes with your social life. Some religious traditions do condemn masturbation, but from a health perspective, it's okay.

Will masterbute makes a guy to be unfit for reproduction?

Masturbation does not make a guy unfit for reproduction. Ejaculation through masturbation is a normal and healthy way for men to release semen. It does not have any long-term negative effects on fertility or reproductive capabilities.

Did Cleopatra have kids in Egypt?

Yes, she had four kids in Egypt.Yes, she had four kids in Egypt.Yes, she had four kids in Egypt.Yes, she had four kids in Egypt.Yes, she had four kids in Egypt.Yes, she had four kids in Egypt.Yes, she had four kids in Egypt.Yes, she had four kids in Egypt.Yes, she had four kids in Egypt.

Was george washtingtons kids his real kids or step kids?

step kids because the woman he married had had kids already and they adopted her kids

Is tvo kids for little kids?

yes it is for kids

When did Scary Kids Scaring Kids end?

Scary Kids Scaring Kids ended in 2010.

Why are kids so mean to the fatter kids?

Cause the kids think the fatter kids are ugly, so they make fun of the fatter kids.

How did Sioux kids have fun?

They are kids. These kids have fun by playing.

How many kids does Dorothy have?

she has four kids? she has four kids?