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Of course! I think it's alright, after all they're just clothes. The only reason why we wear them is because they provide protection and warmth. Yes, boys and girls are in some ways different but even so, should your gender determine what you do or who you are? If you find boys clothes comfortable and like wearing them than wear them. It's your own style. You can't help liking them. It doesn't mean your gay. If you've started puberty then you will of course have to wear a bra but as for shirts and trousers, and maybe even underwear, that's completely up to you as a person. Embrace your style, some people like to express themselves through clothes and just because you wear "boys" clothes it doesn't mean you are a boy or want to change gender. These days, girls are going outside wearing barely any clothes and people are treating this as if it's normal so I don't see it as a bad thing to wear appropriate clothes that you might have bought from the boy's side of the clothes shop.

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Q: Can girls still wear boys clothes even if hey have started puberty?
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Boys definitelyBecause even though they think it's harder because they don't talk about it, it is still harder for girls because we don't want to talk about it either but we are FORCED to talk about it and it is SOOOOOO gross. Also when puberty is over for boys it is ALL over and done with but even when girls' puberty is over we STILL have to get periods every month. Another thing boys only have one change, which is puberty, and when it is over it's over. On the other hand girls have two changes, puberty and menopause, and when puberty is over, as previously stated, we STILL have to get periods every month AND we don't get off the hook there because we STILL have menopause coming!!! ==True... you do get periods after, but can you imagine having to shave everytime you wake up from a nap? how much of a pain when you wake up every morning with a stiffy?Girls have to shave their legs and armpits. true, not as often but it is that + periods. Also, if you want to have a kid the normal way you have to get pregnant... guys don't. Also can you imagine how painful period cramps are?

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I don't get it, but girls can't get girls pregnant, fullstop.

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Yes, but they still may not be as much into boys as boys are into them.

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Puberty ends when the growth plates on the bones close. When this happens, the person is as tall as he or she will ever get, so this is regarded to be the "end" of puberty. This happens at different ages for everybody, so it is hard to tell exactly when puberty will end, even if you know the age you started.

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If you are a girl, then it must be because they have noticed other girls around your age who have started or gone through puberty. When you are a girl, they will look at your chest because at your age they would expect that you have developed, or at least started to develop breasts. not to worry though, some people are late with puberty and everyone reaches puberty at a different rate...i.e, I am a 17 year old guy and I still haven't gone through puberty. I have no hair around my genitals or under my arms, no facial hair but its because I am a late bloomer. Hang in there, it will happen eventually.

Why is it5 that some girls are still 13 going on 14 and havent started puberty?

It's almost always genetic. Ask your parents when they went through puberty. You can expect to go through it within a year or two of the same age. If you and your parents think you have a hormone problem preventing you from going through puberty, a G.P. or pediatrician can run tests to see if there is a reason for concern.

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There is nothing you can physically do to make your Puberty come quicker. If you are worried you have not started you can ask your doctor about hormone treatment, but they will want to check you over first to make sure you really are behind or haven't started. If you have pubic hair growing on your genitals then you have started Puberty. It takes a few years for everything to change from child's to adults so don't worry too much, it happens naturally. Most kids have finished by 18 or 19 but it can progress into early twenties. We are all different so try not to compare yourself with others your age.