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Yes it can since the quality of the sperms wont be as good if they are released too often. Try every other day.

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Q: Can daily intercourse lessen your chances of getting pregnant?
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You can get pregnant anytime there is penetration regardless of who it is or when they pull out. The part of your cycle can lessen the chances but does not eliminate them.

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Yes you can because of the blood. Practice safe sex and you will be fine, and if not get checked by a doctor first

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Stopping smoking is the only way to lessen the chance of cancer.

If on your period and wearing a tampon what are the chances of getting pregnant if your partner pulls out?

Honey, If you don't want to get pregnant(or lessen the chancees greatly) USE A CONDOM, or better yet get the pill, shot, some form of birth control! That being said you have the same amount of chance than if you weren't wearing your tampon. The days surrounding you period tend to be lower percentage of getting pregnant than about two weeks before of after your period. But nothing is a sure thing. Also, studies show that the "pull-out" method is anywhere from 70-85% effective, depending on how good of a judge your partner is to know when to pull out. If he comes a litle inside you, your chances for the pull out method are pretty much null and void, all it takes in one little sperm. Also Precum can occur anytime during intercourse and though less potent than ejaculatory fluids it still can contain some sperm. I suggest waiting 12 days to 2 weeks from the time you had sex and taking a pregnancy test (thats when hormones from pregnancy start to become noticeable on an at home test)

Is a measure taken to lessen the likelihood of pregnancy?

There can be many measures that are taken to lesson the likelihood of pregnancy. One way to lesson these chances is abstinence.

What Measure to avoid hardening of stomach during pregnancy?

nothing will lessen the hardening of your stomach. accept you are pregnant. its only temporary.

Are there any foods that should be avoided to lessen the chances of getting stomach cancer?

Fresh fruits, vegetables and foods high in Vitamin C appear to help reduce your risk of stomach cancer. Also avoiding smoking and limiting how much alcohol you sonsume can also help to reduce your risk.

What are homophones for lessen?

Some homophones for "lessen" include lesson, lessen, and leson.

How can a person who has AIDS have a child with someone and not give AIDS to the child and to the other person?

There's medication you take to lessen the chances and you can't have it c sectioned out,,and no breast feeding == ==