Typically if you get your period you are not pregnant.
yes you can still get preggers while on the monthly
yes you can but it is very unlikely but it is still possible because my friend was pregnant and she was on her period and she thought she wern't but she was .. so if you think you are its always best to get checked out
yes you are pregnant
If you're pregnant your period will not come down.
clarify joymaker rn
Yes stress can cause your period to come late be extremely light or not even come at all especially when your stressing about the possibility of being pregnant your period always seems to come late.....
hi my name is Sarah and me and my boyfriend had sex. I had my period early and i think i am Pregnany i should of had my period on oct 1 and it didn't come and still didn't come i am scared that i mat be pregnant.......Help me
http://www.coolnurse.com/birthcontrol.htm http://www.crisispregnancy.com/birth-mother/pregnancy-questions.html http://www.epigee.org/guide/medfaq.html Yes, you can still have your period and be and feel pregnant. My Mom had her period with all 3 of us.
You could be pregnant. Take a test.
If you're pregnant, your period does not come on at all.
You know that you are not pregnant .. if you had sex when you were un-fertile (but there is still a chance) and also .. You come on your period on the normal days you would have the other months