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Yes, a stepfather can purchase life insurance on a step daughter as long as she is willing to sign the application as the insured, and is willing to submit to the insurance company physical exam, if so required.

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Q: Can a step father purchase life insurance on a step daughter?
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Can daughters buy life insurance on their father?

Yes. As long as there exists an Insurable Interest between two parties, they can buy life insurance. For instance, there is insurable interest between spouses, parents and their children, and relatives. A daughter may purchase life insurance on her father.

Can a step daughter purchase life insurance on a step father?

In most cases, a stepdaughter would not be able to purchase life insurance on a stepfather without his consent. The stepfather would usually need to give permission and be involved in the process, as he is the insured party.

Whether a son purchase the insurance policy for his father or not?

A son can not generally take life insurance policy on his father's life because of lack of insurable interest in the life of father. Life insurance works on the principle of insurable interest. A father generally has insurable interest in the life of his child due to emotional reasons. That is why life insurance companies design the products for the children which take care of their education and other expenses once they grow up.

If a father designates his daughter as beneficiary then marries who gets the fathers retirement and life insurance if he passes away?

The life insurance would be the daughter's. The retirement could be affected by state laws regarding the funds and might be able to be designated to a spouse. The father should definitely update his paperwork to reflect the new marriage, even if he leaves the daughter as the beneficiary.

Where can one purchase life assurance?

One can purchase life insurance from a number of different companies. One can purchase life insurance from companies such as Aflac, Liberty Mutual, and American Family Life Insurance.

Where could a Canadian purchase life insurance?

Life insurance is an important protection to have. Canadians can purchase life insurance through a local independent broker, or online at LSM Insurance.

Where can I purchase guaranteed insurability life insurance?

you can purchase guaranteed insurability life insurance . you can check on this or

How do you claim your father life insurance after his death?

I need to report my father's death and collect on his life insurance policy.

Is there an age when a FATHER should stop being a father in a daughter's life?

No, once a father always a father. No matter what their ages are, they will always be father and daughter.

Where can I purchase global life insurance at?

There are websites you can go to purchase global life insurance. There is and

Where can one purchase whole life insurance?

Usually insurance companies, building societies and banks are the most popular places to purchase whole life insurance. In addition to insurance brokers.

How can you find out the name of the life insurance companies that your father had life insurance with?

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