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Yes they can. if the child shared food with a person who had MONO, they can pass it on. if a child you know has it, dont eat or drink form them, no kisses on the mouth, any saliva contact with one another could give it to you.

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Q: Can a small child give mono to an adult?
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Can you get mono from your son?

You can get mono from anyone. It is like any other virus. Chances are you've probably already had mono while you were a child and don't remember it, so the likelihood of you getting it is low.

How do you hook up a mono block amp?

the difference between a mono block and stereo amp is this: a stereo amp sees half of ohms you give it ( that is if you are trying to bridge it), the mono block see whatever ohm load you give it.

What are the main functions of saliva?

To give you mono gosh

Where is Mono Lake?

Mono Lake is in California on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The small town of Walker is not to far from it but the largest towns closest to it would would be Bishop and Carson City. It is in Mono county.

How do they test for Mono?

The most common test for Mononucleosis disease (Mono) is Monospot test which requires a doctor to draw a small amount of blood and test it for mononucleosis.

How do they test you for mono?

The most common test for Mononucleosis disease (Mono) is Monospot test which requires a doctor to draw a small amount of blood and test it for mononucleosis.

Can you give your boyfriend head if you have mono?

yes but please still check with a doctor

What actors and actresses appeared in Mazushiki mono no kofuku - 1939?

The cast of Mazushiki mono no kofuku - 1939 includes: Kazuo Kanazawa as Shinkichi as a child Tamotsu Moriyama Koji Nakada as Rokuro as a child Haruo Tanaka as Kantaro Fudeko Tanaka as Otora Isamu Yamaguchi as Sampei Kato

What is better for fishing mono or braid?

I use braided because it has no give to it so you can feel everything.

Are Hinduism mono theists or poly theists?

last time my teacher just said their mono. Buddhism is the one that's poly.

What are the Shlomi saranga mono lyrics?

Mono is like single or alone, so it's mono mono, all my life I'll be mono, I'm alone and it's good to me, mono, from love I run away, mono... That's the chorus atleast