As always for a health question like this, you should contact your baby's pediatrician or other health care provider to be certain, since each situation is unique.
In general, a single spot of blood isn't something to worry about, especially if your baby seems otherwise well. There are numerous possible causes ranging from severe diaper rash to a small tear somewhere along the digestive tract.
the same way you change a babys diaper
diaper babys come to eat proffessor and beg melanie for a diaper change
juss like a babys diaper:) juss be more careful cuss theyre fullgrown.
no you cant you can only change the babys diaper yes it shows doodoo
Twice a day is the bare minimum that you should chang their diaper.
Its called a fontanel
shows signs of babys
yes because maybe the babys mom did. or maybe other generations of the babys parents did. or on and on.
NO THATS SO DUMB!! the responsible parents have to change the diaper. Or a man so intelligent thay can think like THOMAS EDISON can build one than yeah its not so dumb?...
It will not allow room for the brain to grow as it should.
two "spots" generally combine to make up the larger spot. they are the posterior fontanel and the anterior fontanel
It is the blood of the woman who gave birth as well as blood from the placenta and it is called afterbirth.