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If you are not married and your children are under 18 then your next of kin is either your parents or siblings.

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Q: Are your children your next of kin?
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Who is next of kin parent or child of patient?

Generally speaking, if the patient has children (or a spouse and children), they are the legal next of kin. If no children (and no spouse), the parents are the next of kin.

Who is a widow's next of kin?

That depends on whether or not they have any children, grandchildren, siblings, or if their parents are still living. If they have children, then the children are the next of kin. If they had children and the children are deceased, yet had children of their own, then the grandchildren would be the next of kin. If there are no grandchildren either, then the parents are next of kin. If the parents are deceased, then the siblings would be next of kin. If they have no children, grandchildren, siblings or surviving parents or grandparents, then the closest blood relatives would be their next of kin, such as aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. in that order.

Can there be more than one next of kin?

Yes. If there is no surviving spouse, the next of kin are the children (equally and together). If there are no children then the next of kin is determined by the laws in the jurisdiction. Next of kin for legal purposes is set forth in the laws of intestacy.

If your father died and was divorced and he had live in partner who is next of kin?

Next of kin would be the children.

Definition of next of kin Australia?

In Australia, next of kin means someone that is related to someone else. For example, a woman's children would be her next of kin.

Who is the next of kin a child or sister?

The next of kin is usually a child and not a sister. For example, if a mother passes away, the next of kin would be her husband and then her children.

Who is next of kin in state of California?

your children

Your child's father died recently with no will who is his legal next of kin?

His legal spouse and children would be his next of kin.

Are your children or your parents your next of kin?

Your parents and children are next of kin, when used as a common phrase by the English language.Typically, the term next of kin will apply to close relatives by descent (grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren), or through marriage (husband, wife, stepfather, stepmother).AnswerFor legal purposes your children are your primary next of kin. See related question link below.

Who is your next of kin if you die your mother your sister or your children?

Your adult children.

Is my daughter next of kin?

Yes your child is your next of kin if you are not married. If you don't have children and are not.married it goes your parents and then siblings!

Is a brother or sister a next of kin?

Yes, a brother or sister is considered a next of kin. Next of kin typically refers to the closest living blood relative or relatives of an individual. In the absence of a spouse or children, siblings are often the next of kin who would be contacted in the event of an emergency or for legal matters.