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Pregnancy does not emancipate anyone in any state of the US. NJ have no emancipation statue but there is a chance. See link below.

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Q: Are you emancipated when you have a baby at 16 in New Jersey or can you get emancipated?
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Can a 16 year old move out of their parents house without their consent in New Jersey?

No, they may not do so. They must have permission or be emancipated.

Can a 16 year old boy and girl who have had a baby and are married be automatically emancipated in Illinois?

They may be emancipated, but it is not automatic.

Can a 16 year old move with her boyfriend if he can provide for her without her parent's consent in the state of New Jersey?

No. Until she is 18 or emancipated, she has to live where her parents say.

Can a girl 16-year-old with a baby be emancipated and move in with her baby daddy and his family in Virginia?

Yes, she could be emancipated, but if the parents give permission (normally required for emancipation anyway) she can move in without being emancipated.

Is a pregnant seventeen year old emancipated once pregnant or has to get emancipated in North Dakota?

No. You still need a formal emancipation. At 16 You are however considered emancipated in the matters of your health and the baby. Whether you choose to keep the baby, put it up for adoption or have an abortion.

If im 16 and father a baby am i emancipated?

No. You made a bad choice. That does not make you a legal adult.

In Missouri can you be emancipated if you are 16-years-old and have a baby?

No. Missouri does not allow the emancipation for minors regardless of the circumstances.

If a 16 year old girl has a baby in Milwaukee can she be automatically emancipated?

No. Giving birth is not an emancipating event.

How Can I Get My Own House At 16 With My Baby?

If you are 16 and have a baby and would like to get your own house you likely need to be emancipated from your parents and then search the real estate market for a house in your price range.

In El Paso Texas can you get emancipated at the age of 16?

can i get emancipated at the age of 16

Can a fifteen year old get emancipated in Alabama if they have a baby?

Having a baby does not make one an adult in the eyes of the law. They will need to be at least 16 or get a court order.

What does the law say about going to school in New Jersey?

Compulsory ages for school in New Jersey is ages 6 through 16 for regular ed students.Compulsory ages for school in New Jersey is ages 6 through 16 for regular ed students.Compulsory ages for school in New Jersey is ages 6 through 16 for regular ed students.Compulsory ages for school in New Jersey is ages 6 through 16 for regular ed students.