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If a girl doesn't naturally start puberty, then a doctor will prescribe them a course of hormones to kick start the process, but it wouldn't speed it up if it's already started. You just have to wait for it to occur naturally.

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Q: Are there any ways to speed up puberty in girls?
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Any websites for girls in puberty?

Yes. is a good website for girls in puberty.

Why blind girls attain puberty early in their life?

On average, blind girls go through puberty at the same ages and rates as any other girls.

At what age girls get puberty?

any age from 9-18.

How do you homeopathicly speed up puberty?

There hasn't been any scientifically proven effect of homeopathy on any part of puberty.

Do girls get puberty when there a11?

No at any age beetween 8yrs-15yrs

Are there any ways to speed up puberty mainly making the voice break sooner?

Unfortunately, there is no way to speed puberty up. Everyone develops at different rates and ages, so some boys may have a broken voice by 14, whereas others may still be breaking at 18!

Are there any hair on the girls hand?

It depends on the girl but yes, it's possible, especially after puberty

Percentage of girls that like Justin Bieber?

probably a lot maybe 40 percent of girls. im just waiting for him to get hit by the puberty train. or any train at that.

Can any age of children go through puberty?

Yes, there is a girl who was six and had a child (meaning she would have had to be having periods). However, normally, puberty starts around the age 8 for girls and 10 for boys.

How old do you have to be to start ur period?

There is not a certain age for girls to start their period. This can happen any time during puberty from the ages of 12 to 16.

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Where should you be in puberty?

Girls start puberty from 8-12 years old.Boys start puberty from 9-15 years old.During puberty, it is normal to get a lot more hair on your body. Boys and Girls voices change during puberty, but its much more noticeable in Boys. And when your voice changes, you won't hear any different when you talk, only the people around you will notice. If your a boy, you will get a lot more muscles. Boys and Girls will start getting very oily skin during puberty. That will cause pimples, so make sure you clean any oily skin. During puberty it is very normal to have sexual thoughts, so if you get them don't be nervous or mad at yourself. To get rid of those thoughts, try to think of a math problem in your head, or take slow breathes. Many boys will start to masturbate a few months after starting puberty. That IS a problem, because it will cause headaches, and it takes away a lot of energy, causing you to feel weak. The first thing that happens to Boys during puberty is their testicles get a lot bigger. When that happens Boys will have to get certain clothing so that there isn't a bulge in their pants. Girls will start getting periods during puberty. During a period, small amounts of blood leak out of a girls butt. It is normal, and it will continue for many more years.