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Perhaps, but not necessarily. Adopted children are the same as biological children when it comes to inheritance.

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Q: Are the biological children entitled to anything if a father dies and only leaves his adopted children money?
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Do children who have been adopted by another family have same entitlement to estate as other children?

In most places, adopted children have the same legal rights to inheritance as biological children. This means they are entitled to inherit from their adoptive parents' estates just like biological children are. Adoption is a legally recognized process that grants the adopted child the same legal status and rights as a biological child in the eyes of the law.

Is marie osmand adopted?

No, they were not adopted. They are the biological children of son of Olive Osmond and George Osmond

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Rosa Parks never had any children, adopted or biological.

Is a non biological non adopted child entitled to an estate?

Since this is the adoption category I assume you mean not the biological grandchildren but foster kids who have never been adopted. And no, they have no right at all to anything their foster family leaves behind unless they are mentioned in the will. If you mean biological children they inherit their parents who in their turn inherit their parents, your grandparents. So unless the grandchild is mentioned in the will or the parents are deceased, the grandchild will not inherit the grandparents.

If your biological children were killed and your spouse is not the biological parent can your spouse get half of the settlement in a wrongful death suit?

Your spouse may have rights if the children were legally adopted by her/him. Generally, if there was no legal adoption they wouldn't be entitled to any award or settlement. You should consult with an attorney.

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Hitler had no children, biological or adopted ones.

Why were most of marie osmaonds children adopted?

Marie Osmond's adopted children were the biological children of her second husband from a previous marriage.

Are Bill Gates children his biological children?

No all of Bill Gates children are adopted.

Can adopted children inherit from biological parents?

Only if they are named in the will.

Do adopted children have inheritance rights for cousins?

Adopted children inherit from the adoptive family the same as the adoptive family's biological children do so yes.

Did Redd Foxx have kids?

Red Foxx had no biological children, he adopted the biological daughter of his wife Jean.

Who was Hitler's foster child?

He had no children, foster, adopted, biological or otherwise