They have had a few and will again. Travel to Jeopardy to audition is at a person's own expense.
The contestants dress themselves.
Once you pass the test you have auditions based on more than the ability to answer
During the commercial break after they find out the category.
Names of the Jeopardy Contestants are available at the Jeopardy archive. See related link and look for that date under the season for the episode
Unlike Jeopardy contestants keep the money won or get theminimum$1000
For contestants of the show they tell you the final category and then you must decide on the amount of your wager. They are various methods that contestants have used in the past to make this decision and they all take into account the other contestants score before final Jeopardy.
There are no answers to the Jeopardy TV Show as they do new questions each time the contestants want a question.
Contestants who successfully pass the tests play a short version of jeopardy. See the related link.
Teachers I would presume.
Only Jeopardy identifies the contestants Wheel of Fortne allows contestants indenties to go by there nickname or first name since it is a game of fortunes and they do not have championships or returning contestants like Jeopardy For Jeopardy it was Pam Mueller, a graduate student in psychology from Princeton, New Jersey Dan Melia, a retired professor from Berkeley, California Fritz Holznagel, a writer from Somerville, Massachusetts