

When did St. Patrick become a pope?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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St. Patrick was never a pope. He was a bishop.

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Q: When did St. Patrick become a pope?
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Pope Celestine sent St. Patrick to England and Ireland.

Why did Saint Patrick become a pope?

Saint Patrick was never a pope.

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Pope Celestine was the pope who sent Patrick to evangelize England and Ireland.

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Pope Celestine sent St. Patrick to Ireland.

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Was Patrick the bishop of Rome? No. That would have made him the pope and he was never a pope.

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Pope Celestine

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Pope Celestine

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Saint Patrick was a bishop assigned by the pope to Christianize Ireland.

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Patrick was elevated to bishop by Pope Celestine I. After death he was raised to sainthood.

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Pope Benedict never worked as a slave. I believe you have him confused with St. Patrick.