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It would vary with the disability of the person

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Q: What would you consider when supporting an individual with disability?
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What all is Bella Thorne's Disabilities?

she has Dyslexia but I don't know if you would consider that a disability .

Can a stipulation entered into with a person that has a memory learning disability be revoked and is it enforceable?

It sounds as if you are in need of a consultation with an attorney what practices in your state. However, the first thing to do would be to require the individual with the alleged "memory learning disability" to prduce medical proof of their disability.

How do web designers contribute positively to society today?

Website Designers contribute positively to society, by making websites more accessible, to others or others who have a certain disability, such as poor eye sight, in which the Web designer would have to, consider all ways in which there could be to help that individual, Thank-you

What qualifies as a disability to be able to get disability income?

Here is input and advice from FAQ Farmers: * No, but in most cases you can only buy up to 60% of your current income and you must be emplyed FT. 4lifeguild * Generally 20 to 25K. It's not a law. Check with your agent. State Disability and Social Security is mandatory. * Yes. The monthly benefit of personal disability insurance is determined by your income.

Can you receive disability from your job and disability from social security at the same time?

Yes, it is very common for disability insurance plans to include a clause for social security disability, meaning the insurance company will pay a portion of the monthly benefit, expecting that you would apply for social security benefits to pay for the "Supplemental Social Security benefits". In the event you get declined by Social Security, then the insurance company would cover the additional supplemental benefits. Employer group plans as well as individual disability insurance plans can include that clause.

Would a cancer diagnosis be considered a disability to qualify for section 8 housing?

Housing authorities do not determine what type of disability would qualify you for a voucher or public housing. Either you are disabled, per Social Security guidelines, or you are not. Additionally, housing authorities do not consider disabilities alone as a qualifier for section 8 housing.

What are stone age names?

As the stone age is regarded as pre-history there are no written records, particularly of individual names. Certainly not what we would consider individual identification today.

Can bone spur in my foot consider as disability?

A bone spur in your foot alone may not be considered a disability unless it significantly impairs your ability to perform major life activities like walking or standing. To be classified as a disability, the condition must substantially limit one or more major life activities. It is best to consult with a medical professional or disability specialist for a proper evaluation.

Can you collect short term disability from Missouri while on maternity leave?

Missouri does not have a mandated short term disability program. Your best bet is to apply preconception for individual short term disability insurance. Your maternity leave will be a covered benefit.

Could you collect disability if your employer does not provide disability it and your work requires you to be on your feet and have to have foot surgery and be off work for two months?

There are two ways that a person can receive Disability benefits: from Social Security and/or from an employer or individual Disability policy. If your employer does not provide Disability insurance coverage and you do not have your own individual Disability coverage, you will not be able to receive disability benefits, unless you live in a state that has a state-sponsored plan. In order to receive benefits from a Disability policy, you must actually own one or have coverage through your employer. Additionally you must satisfy the requirements of the contract in order to receive benefits. Social Security benefits only pay benefits on disabilities that are expected to last longer than 1 year or end in death, so you would not qualify for Social Security benefits.

Can you get disability for cervical sponylosis?

That would depend on the degree of disability and the laws in the place you live.

Does wearing a hearing aid class as a disability?

It is a disability the same as it would be as wearing glasses.