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The paratroopers main mission was to cut off German reinforcements. The two main areas where paratroopers were needed was Caen and Carentan. Carentan was taken by U.S. 101st and 82nd airborne divisions. The critical area in carentan was St. Mere Eglise. Caen was taken by the British 6th Airborne Division. The critical area here was Pegasus Bridge, which was necessary to keep intact for the allied offensive.

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To secure an invasion route.

Also, to prevent German reenforcements from reaching Normandy beaches and cut German supply routes and restrict German use of bridges.......

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lack of knowledge of the terrain and supplies...............

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Q: What was the main mission of the paratroopers in the Normandy invasion?
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What was the name of the allied invasion in France?

the main invasion was called Operation "Overlord", the main invasion was the D- day landings which took place at Normandy.

Why was America involved in the Normandy invasion?

America was involved because they, with Britain and Canada were the main Allied Forces

6 What began the D-Day invasion process and what was their mission?

Overnight parachute and glider landings began D-Day invasion, and their main mission was to push Germany east. In order to liberate France.

Who were the two major leaders of D-Day?

The two main commanders at the Normandy Invasion were Dwight Eisenhower (Allies) and Gerd von Runstedt (German).

What was secretive of the d-day invasion?

The primary secrets of the Invasion at Normandy, France (D-Day): the location the date & time the size of the invading forces the fact that it was the main landing & not a diversion the deception operation to make the Germans think the invasion was coming at the Pas-de-Calais

Why Nazi was defeated at Normandy?

because they thought the main invasion would come at pa de calais. when the invasion eventually came in Normandy the Germans could not counterattak because they needed hitlers permission and he was still asleep and noone wanted to wake him. when they did finally counter attack all they could do was slow up the mass of troops comin into France daily. their defeat was by no means rommels fault or the fighting Germans. also the allieds ability to prevent the Germans knowing about the invasion. the parachute operations on eitherside of Normandy prevented the Germans from getting organized.

What was the name of the clicking gadget used by the Americans to signal their position inside trenches in World War 2?

I believe you're thinking of a "cricket", a child's toy, one of the prizes you might get in a box of Cracker Jacks. These were actually only used by airborne troops, paratroopers, and only during the Normandy D-Day invasion, called Operation Overlord. The paratroopers began landing in the middle of the night, before the main force of the invasion landed from the sea at dawn. The crickets were given to the paratrooper so they could tell friend from for in the night - one click was supposed to be answered by two clicks. This was all famously depicted in the excellent movie about the invasion, "The Longest Day". Most of the time the very last thing a soldier on the battlefield wants to do is signal his position. That's a very good way to get killed.

What is the main export of Normandy?


What did significant about the invasion of Normandy?

The Invasion of Normandy was significant for 2 main reasons. 1. It was the first action where the allies had combined all forces and invaded the German Atlantic Wall (Hitler's defense around the beaches of Normandy). 2. Because Nazi Germany had control over all of France, it posed a threat to Great Britain as it was so close. It had to be claimed and the allies needed a starting point to push the Germans back to Berlin. *This, the Battles in Northern Africa, and the Soviets in the East resulted in Nazi Germany's surrender.

What were the reasons for Invasion of Normandy?

The main reason was to put an end to Germany's power hungry trip. The allies wanted to take out Germany, so they sent out a fake message to trick Hitler into sending out his largest army, and attack him.

How did troops clear barbed wire at the Normandy invasion?

One of the main tools for removing barbed wire was the Bangalore torpedo, which are lengths of metal pipe filled with an explosive, the lengths are screwed together slid under the wire and then set off.

Where was the main battle field in D-Day?

Normandy, France