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Q: What president is vulnerable and could only walk with crutches?
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How do i explain to my mom the i want crutches?

I actually really want crutches, too! You maybe could explain it to her, and if she says no, tell her you want a raise in your allowance and possibly you'll get one, and maybe save up for crutches. I want them so badly, too. My grandpa's a foot doctor, so he gave me crutches. They were too tall, so I'm trying to get them. Only I don't get allowance, so I maybe could try growing! LOL! I wish you luck though!

What is a great sentence for aid?

He donated money to aid the victims of the hurricane. After injuring her foot, she could walk only with the aid of crutches.

Is it okay to reuse an old set of crutches?

Yes it is perfectly fine to reuse old crutches. I would only consider a new set if you have gotten significantly taller.

When did it become law that a president could could only be president for two terms?

1951, with the ratification of the 22nd Amendment.

Do you use crutches after bunion surgery?

Sometimes you do, it depends on the kind of cast you get. If the surgery makes you get a hard cast (the ones friends can sign), you need crutches. It you get a cast with a hard bottom, you also need them. The only time you don't need crutches is if the cast is EXTREMELY soft.

What president made it where you could only be president 2 times?

Ulysses S. Grant.

Do you have to be born in the US to become the president of the US?

Yes, you could be president of your local sports or gaming club, you could be president of a country that is not the USA, you could be the president of an international company.

Could the vice pres searve or ten years?

Of course. It is only the office of president that is limited and that is only the elected term. One could be elected VP with a President whose intention is to resign, effectively electing the same president over and over again. However, the elected President could decide not to resign and if you had such a popular president, then the constitution could be more easily amended.

How do you use crutches to walk down steps?

To walk down steps, you place the crutches on the step below and hop down on your uninjured leg to join them. Then you move the crutches down to the next step and so on. If it is partial weight-bearing, you do the same thing only you put the injured leg down first, placing all of your weight on your crutches. You then step down with the uninjured leg and continue. Hope this helped!

What president could play the trombone?

Definitely not the 22nd & 24th President Grover Cleveland Only the 27th President William Howard Taft

How much money is a pair of crutches?

It depends on your insurance. I know that individuals with medicare have a coverage of 20 percent for crutches. I not sure about the others but you can contact your insurance company to make you are covered. The prices range anywhere between $39.99 to $100.00.

Could Obama serve 3 terms?

no he cant because on the constitution it clearly says that each president could only serve 2 terms of president