The Mexican Peso featuring Morelos facing right (1957-67) is 10% silver and contains .0514 of an ounce of silver. You might also try a library for a copy of the Standard Catalog of World Coins for pictures, values and lots more interesting info. There are at least 15 other countries that call their currency the "Peso".
The 1975 cinco peso coin from the Philippines contains 40% silver and 60% copper.
A 1921 Mexican 1 Peso coin contains 0.3856 troy ounces of silver.
If it says "Ley 999" somewhere over its face, it should have an ounce of 99.9% pure silver.
Each coin has a actual silver weight of .7523 ounces of pure silver and measures 38 mm in diameter.
I have a 1934 "un peso" silver 720 peso, what is it worth?
The 1966 Philippines 25 Centavos is composed of copper, nickel and zinc, with no silver content.
Yes, the 1966 Mexican peso was made of 10% silver and 90% copper. It contains about 1.44 grams of actual silver content, making it a valuable collector's item due to its silver composition.
0.3856 troy ounces of silver
0.5 oz
Mexican peso
A 1 peso coin in the Philippines is composed of 75% copper and 25% nickel.