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Q: What is the pilot chute used for on the parachute?
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How much would a World War 2 unopened German parachute worth?

Need to know more information - is it a parachute packed for a paratrooper, a pilot's survival chute, a cargo chute, an emergency seat chute, or ???? But basic answer is - a pilot's chute or a paratrooper's chute would definitely be worth plenty! Cargo chutes are generally of much less collector interest.

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What is the abbreviation for parachute?

The abbreviation for parachute is "PCHT."

How do parachutes work?

Parachutes work by creating drag as they open and catch air, which slows down the descent of an object or person. The parachute's canopy is designed to create aerodynamic lift and decrease the terminal velocity of the falling object, ultimately allowing for a softer and safer landing.

How do you open a parachute?

parachute is opened to provide air which manages the slow chute

What kind of chute do skydiver's use?

a parachute

What effects a parachute from falling faster?

* The downward facing area of the chute * The density of the air * The mass being lowered by the chute * The integrity of the chute * The motion of the air around the chute

What are the parts of a parachute?

A parachute typically consists of a canopy (the fabric that catches the air), suspension lines (connecting the canopy to the harness), a harness (where the person or cargo is attached), and sometimes a deployment system (to release the parachute).

What words come before chute?

Some words that commonly come before "chute" are "water," "escape," "parachute," and "trash."

Where does the term parachute originate from?

From the French. Para from Parasol, and Chute=fall

What does the first little parachute to open do?

It is called a drogue chute and it stabilizes the jumper and pulls the main parachute out of the container or pack.