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To transfer emotion or a certain feeling through an Ad etc etc.

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Q: What is the definition of transfer appeal?
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The English definition of transfer?

transfer - to move from one place to another... example: I will transfer this box from the kitchen to the garage.

What is the definition of emotional appeal in advertising?

its when they use emotions or famous people to appeal to you such as using selena gomez or lady gaga using a product practically bandwagon

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By definition, a conductor.

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hypertext transfer protocol at least thats one definition

How can you get them to transfer your husband from Chino Prison back to Texas where you live wit your two kids?

You tell him to ask for a transfer. States exchange prisoners all the time. However, they will not do it until all his appeals have been exhausted. If he has an active direct appeal he will not be transferred. He will probably not be able to do a collateral appeal from Texas. You will need to check if there are issues that could be raised on a collateral appeal. If all other issues have been taken care of, then he should ask for a transfer to Texas. Since it is being done for the benefit of the family, there may be a charge to the family.

What is the definition for transfer?

To move something or someone from place to place, or a type of decal.

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the transfer of heat by currents within a liquid or gas

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skills that can transfer from one job to another.

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A good advertisement must appeal to a mass audience. It must also be clear about the object it is advertising.

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