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Parachute may be a noun or a verb.

As a noun it means "a cloth canopy that fills with air and allows a person or heavy object attached to it to descend slowly when dropped from an aircraft, or that is released from the rear of an aircraft on landing to act as a brake."

Example: You need a parachute to jump our of an airplane.

As a verb it means "drop or cause to drop from an aircraft by parachute"

Example: He will parachute from an airplane for the first time tomorrow.

They plan to parachute when they drop the supplies.

or "appoint or be appointed in an emergency or from outside the existing hierarchy."

They will chose someone to parachute into the position quickly.

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Does a parachute work in space?

No, a parachute requires an atmosphere.

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The abbreviation for parachute is "PCHT."

What was the material of the first parachute made?

The first parachute was made from silk. André-Jacques Garnerin, who invented the parachute in 1797, used a silk parachute to make successful jumps.