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Thousands of people

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Q: What is the complete subject of the sentence Thousands of people went to the parade last night?
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What is the subject in this sentence - When are the parades this Summer?

The subject of the sentence "When are the parades this Summer" is parade.

Rewrite this sentence so that it is in reverse subject-verb orderThe parade marches down the street?

Down the street the parade marches.

When do you capitalize the word parade?

When the word parade is at the beginning of a sentence

A sentence for the word parade?

Look who's leading the parade! Let's go to the parade. Last year's parade had a runaway stagecoach!

What is the simple predicate of this sentence The parade has started.?

A simple predicate consists of only a verb or verb phrase. In this sentence the verb phrase is -- has started

How do you use stream in a sentence?

The word stream is both a noun (stream, streams) and a verb (stream, streams, streaming, streamed).The noun stream functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.The verb stream functions as the action of a subject.Examples:The stream felt cool and soothing to our tired feet. (noun, subject of the sentence)We watched the parade stream down the street to the bandstand in the park. (verb, action of the noun parade)

How is the gerund used in the sentence?

A gerund functions as a noun, as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition. Examples:Fishing is my dad's hobby. (subject of the sentence)I need the workout that swimming provides. (subject of the relative clause)We enjoyed the dancing in the parade. (direct object of the verb 'enjoyed')He'll need new shoes for running. (object of the preposition 'for')

What is the verb in this sentence The parade banners were gold and purple?

Were is the verb in that sentence.

A sentence with the word amass?

the crowd amassed for the parade

A sentence for twirled?

She twirled the baton as she marched in the parade.

What type of sentence is this It was fun or so you thought to watch the parade of people?

A declarative sentence.

Is parade capitalized?

At the beginning of a sentence and when it forms part of the proper noun. Example: Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade