

What is pubirty?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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13y ago

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It's when your body starts to mature sexually.

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13y ago
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What changes in their body for girl in pubirty?

Breast development, hair growth, vaginal mucus, etc.

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he gets them pritty often... He's going through pubirty right now so the sress is changing his vocals.

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i know it might sound weird but it is pubirty witch everybody goes through so dont wory about it Peace

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no but unless you are 16-18 or you are still growing and going though pubirty then dont over work yourself

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you shouldnt worry its just baby fat once you hit pubirty you will be fine

Can a 12 year old boy hit pubirty?

im 12 and i starting to hit puberty but idk when my voice will start to change

What could it mean if your breasts have all of a sudden become harder and it now hurts when even lightly pressed against they feel heavier then usual but the have not got any bigger?

ur gettin threw pubirty maybe lol

How do you get a boyfriend or girlfriend when you are ugly?

Look i bet ur not ugly just going thrue pubirty and stuff dont worry, be strong , and love will come. and even if you are ugly its whats on the inside that counts. i bet u r beutiful though

How tall will a 4 foot 10 12 year old boy be?

4 foot 10 i have a doctors degree at harvord university and from this data i can say that you will be at least 6 feet tall but i do not know when all i know is that it will probably be during your pubirty stage.