Piper and Leo have two sons - older Wyatt Matthew Halliwell and younger Christopher Perry Halliwell.
Piper's real name on Charmed is Piper Halliwell, portrayed by Holly Marie Combs.
Her daughters name was Prudence Melinda Halliwell
I think she is. (Zoe)
in season 2 the charmed ones visit the future and piper has a daughter i don't remember what her name was but in the season 9 comics of charmed piper has a daughter named Melinda
The father of Prue, Piper & Phoebe Halliwell is Victor Bennett.
Her first son is named Wyatt Matthew Halliwell. The youngest one is named Chris.
in the last episode piper states that their children will take over and they show wyatt and chris (Pipers sons) brewing a vanquishing potion so yes her kids do take over
Leo is Pipers love, Henry is Paiges love, Coop is Pheobe's love.
Wyatt Matthew Halliwell "Wyatt" after his father Leo Wyatt. "Matthew" after his aunt Paige Matthews and Halliwell from Halliwell :P
Yes, "The Destined Charmed Sons"