Padparadscha is a pink-orange corundum; diamond is the hardest mineral on earth.
Prices for Padparadscha can be similar to what you'd pay for a fine ruby or emerald.
In order to compare, one would present the specifics of equal gemstones: equal in carat weight, clarity, colour and excellence of cut. In this case, most of the time, the diamond would be more expensive.
Stone for stone, a diamond is more expensive than an emerald.
Platinum is not more expensive than a beautiful, natural diamond.
A padparadscha is a rare pinkish-orange variety of corundum.
By weight, when comparing equal amounts of platinum and diamond, gem-quality diamond will always be more expensive.
All else being equal: carat weight, cut, and clarity, a blue diamond will always be more expensive than a white diamond.
All else being equal: carat weight, cut, and clarity, a red diamond will always be more expensive than a white diamond.
Both are considered expensive, but a diamond is more expensive simply because it's a harder mineral.
No, the Hope Diamond is not the most expensive diamond in the world. While it is one of the most famous and valuable diamonds, there are other diamonds that are more expensive due to their size, clarity, and color.
The top five most valuable gemstones: # Ruby and Diamond # Paraiba Tourmaline # Alexandrite # Emerald # Blue Sapphire and Padparadscha Sapphire
Stone for stone, a diamond will cost more than a sapphire.
The Ruby is more expensive.
No they are not. Chocolate, in this case, refers to the color of the diamond, not what it is made from. The stones are gorgeous to look at, but the more color a diamond has, the more expensive it becomes.