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Parallelism means each half or part of a sentence needs balanced by the other part.

Faulty parallelism means the sentence is not balanced.

I wanted to work, but she did not. (did not what?)

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Q: What is faulty parrellism in a sentence?
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Faulty parallelism is when a sentence does not consist of words in the same tense. So I would not say "I play guitar slow and carefully" I would say "I play guitar slowly and carefully." See how both words follow the same format/tense?

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faulty predication occurs when the subject of a sentence can't "do" the verb. Here is an example: The temperature of water boils at 212 degrees. Water boild at 212 but the temperature can't boil.

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john paid little attention to what he ate and his clothes

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The faulty reference is using the pronoun 'they' with no antecedent. The sentence must be reworded, for example:I asked about the warranty but no one was able to help.I asked the sales clerk about the warranty, but he wasn't able to help.Note: The indefinite pronoun 'no one' does not require an antecedent.