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The lady to whom I referred is deemed unfit to live at home with her family.

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Q: What is a sentence with unfit?
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How can you use unfit in a sentence?

Because of his criminal record, he was unfit for this position in the company.

What is a sentence with the word stammer in it?

He was deemed as unfit to be the vocalist because of his stammer.

Use wasteland in a sentence?

If we dont fix the crisis that is attacking our planet, it will turn into a barren wasteland that is unfit for human living.

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Months of recovery in the hospital had rendered the soldiers enervated and unfit for action, as a result the US had to fly them home and replace them with fresh privates.

When was Unfit for Command created?

Unfit for Command was created in 2004-08.

When was Unfit to Practise created?

Unfit to Practise was created in 2008-09.

Is it correct to end a sentence with the word 'at'?

Ending a sentence with the word "at" is generally not considered correct grammar. It is better to rephrase the sentence to avoid ending it with a preposition like "at."

Can a mother be considered unfit if she and her kids move in with her boyfriend?

This is not considered an unfit mother. Where a mother lives is not anything that makes a mother fit or unfit. A mother who is a drug addict or an alcoholic that is drunk all the time is an unfit mother.

A sentence for interaction?

When he's in one of his angry moods, he is truly unfit for human interaction. Watching the interaction between the two, their love for each other is obvious.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Unfit - 2006?

The cast of The Unfit - 2006 includes: Jesse Meadows

What makes the water unfit for drinking?

Water pollution can make water unfit to drink.

Marrying and prooved unfit father by state?

can you marry an unfit father by the state if you have kids in the state of illinois?