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Q: What does pelog mean?
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What are the 2 scales used in gamelan music?

The two scales are pelog and slendro.

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Why does there are sharps in every note in pelog?

'Pelog' is a musical scale used in Indonesian music (in Java, Bali, etc). The notes are not like those of the Western standard scale. Not only that, but the octave is not divided up evenly into seven equal parts to represent the seven different notes, but the intervals are uneven. While many Gamelan orchestras (which play this pelog scale) are tuned in a similar way to the tranditional royal gamelans, each village does it slightly differently. When this music is written down, the notes are represented by the numbers 1 to 7 - it is less common to use western musical scores. If this is what you are after, search the internet for Gamelan and Pelog for further details.

What are the two kinds of scale pattern use in Indonesian music?

Gamelan music is the traditional music ensemble of Indonesia. Gamelan music has two scales: slendro and pelog.

What has the author Maman Suaman written?

Maman Suaman has written: 'Pola-pola iringan lagu-lagu tradisional Sunda di dalam gamelan pelog dan atau salendro'

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you mean what you mean

What does mean mean in statistics?

Mean is the average.

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It mean what you don't what does it mean.

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The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.

What does the 12 Chinese zodiac animals meant?

rat mean intense. ox mean calm , born tiger mean powerful rabbit mean good friend dragon mean strong snake mean prudent horse mean popular goat mean shy monkey mean inventor rooster mean organized dog mean intelligent pig mean honest that are what the 12 chinese zodiac animals mean