Parallel means running in exactly the same direction,and will NEVER intersect.
The War of 1812 paralleled the Peninsular War in Europe. At the time, England was at war with France and the armies of Napoleon.
Impressionist painters' interest in color is paralleled by the Impressionist composers' interest in timbre.
the line is paralleled
Paralleled lines
A trapezoid has a pair of parallel sides of different lengths
The phrase "Menace of Homosexuality" was part of the Lavender Scare phase of the 1950's. It was a campaign to scare the public about gay people. It paralleled the Red Scare.The phrase "Menace of Homosexuality" was part of the Lavender Scare phase of the 1950's. It was a campaign to scare the public about gay people. It paralleled the Red Scare.
the journey Momaday took to visit his grandmother's gravesite.
Droop CT is used to control load sharing of the reactive power b/w paralleled generators.
Typically they are both. Most are paralleled from the breaker and then serial from each power switch.