

What does lapar mean?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What does lapar mean?
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What does the root lapar mean?

The root "lapar" comes from the Greek word "lapara," meaning flank or abdominal wall. It is commonly used in medical terminology to refer to structures or procedures related to the abdomen.

What is the phrase 'i'm hungry' when translated from English to Indonesian?

You can say : * saya lapar * saya sangat lapar (when you are really hungry!)

What is the medical terminology Combining form meaning abdominal wall?

The combining form for abdominal wall is "lapar/o."

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"Kami adalah kaum yang tidak akan makan kecuali apabila lapar dan apabila kami makan tidak sampai terlalu kenyang." (Hadis Abu Daud)[1]

What is the word 'hungry' when translated from English to Indonesian?

The word 'hungry' in Indonesian is lapar.

What is the medical terminology combining form meaning abdominal?

Lapar- is the medical terminology combining form meaning abdominal wall.

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In Hindi, you would say "भूख" (bhukh) to indicate that you are hungry.

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laparotomyincisionIt is called a Laparotomygastrotomy

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