There are many symptoms of Cerebral Palsy. Examples of symptoms of Cerebral Palsy include variations in muscle tone such as stiff muscles and tremors or involuntary movements.
Neurologists usually care for patients with the kinds of conditions that include the symptoms of pseudobulbar palsy.
Some symptoms of spastic cerebral palsy are muscle stiffness, uncontrolled movements, and problems with posture. It can, also impair other functions such as coordination, balance, speech, and swallowing.
There are no cures for pseudobulbar palsy; the symptoms usually progress over the course of several years, leading to complete disability.
There are no cures for pseudobulbar palsy; the symptoms usually progress over the course of several years, leading to complete disability.
Partial facial paralysis is the main symptom.
One can find information about how to support children with cerebral palsy at KidsHealth. KidsHeath explains what cerebral palsy is, what parents should expect as far as symptoms go, and information on the different types of cerebral palsy.
Athetoid Cerebral Palsy happens due to brain damage caused outside the womb, so there is no symptoms or signs prior to giving birth. After the baby is born and if it suffered brain damage, this type of cerebral palsy is characterized by slow writing movements of the limbs.
yes third nerve palsies (Bells palsy) will typically resolve on their own. The llength of symptoms varies
The symptoms of cerebral palsy can vary greatly depending on the individual. Some of the symptoms might include tremors, loss of coordination, muscle weakness, unsteady gait, speech problems or drooling. If one suspects something it is best to immediately seek the advice of a physician.
A person can determine if they carry the genetic code for cerebral palsy by having genetic testing done. Symptoms of cerebral palsy include lack of muscle coordination and variations in muscle tone.
Cerebral palsy affects both females and males. It is a neurological condition that can occur in people of any gender. The causes and symptoms of cerebral palsy are the same regardless of gender.
No. It is caused by a permanent injury to the brain. However, symptoms of cerebral palsy can be treated with various types of medication and therapy so that it "gets better" (my daughter has CP)