No specific aftercare is needed.
Oxygen, painkillers, and drugs to control swelling and seizures are given after the operation.
Painkillers are usually needed for the first day or two after the operation. The patient should drink fluids freely.
A laminectomy is performed with the patient under general anesthesia, usually positioned lying on the side or stomach.
After surgery, patients experience pain in the abdomen and are prescribed pain medication. Follow-up exams are required to monitor the patient's recovery and remove implanted tubes.
The primary aftercare is to monitor blood pressure following use of ED medications.
The effects of Tensilon subside quickly, and are completely gone after 30-60 minutes. No aftercare is needed.
Following mediastinoscopy, patients will be carefully monitored to watch for changes in vital signs or indications of complications of the procedure or the anesthesia.
.the patient may receive pain medication.Ice packs may also be applied.Casts are applied to the limb receiving the surgery. Braces or splints may also be applied.
There is generally no aftercare required following a gallium scan. However, women who are breastfeeding who have a scan will be cautioned against breastfeeding for four weeks following the exam.
the patient may experience some cramping, discomfort, or mild to moderate bleeding.