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Q: What A red disabled person identification placard indicates?
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Are California disabled person placards okay to use in Oregon?

is my california disabled placard okay to use in oregon

What is the law and rules governing a disabled parking placard?

The laws and the rules governing disabled parking placard vary from state to state. However, all states require either a prescription from a doctor or a form from a doctor in order to obtain a placard. In addition, the placard is only to be used when the person that it is prescribed for is in the vehicle.

Is a color blind person disabled?

No, but it can put limits on jobs they can pursue - obviously they cannot work in fields where color identification is vital to performance.

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What is colour lights are on disabled vehicles?

Not sure if you are talking about a vehicle for a disabled person or a vehicle that is disabled on the side of the road. If its the former then there are no special lights. If its the latter then the hazard lights on the vehicle will either be amber in the front and rear or amber in the front and red in the rear. Most vehicles the hazards are amber in the front and rear though

Can a person who is disabled lose there disabilty if they get a fake leg?

No, they will still be disabled.

Does a disabled person have a healthy mind?

disabled people can easily have healthy minds

What happens if someone gifts a property to a disabled person?

The fact that the person is disabled makes no difference in terms of tax or law.

What has feet but can not walk?

A disabled person

If a person is totally disabled how can the 7 year statute of limitations be removed from the credit report?

Being disabled does not exempt a person from FRCA laws.

What pool are Illinois jurors chosen from?

They are drawn from a general jury list which combines the names of all registered voters, drivers license holders 18 years of age and older whose licenses have been issued within the past 6 years, holders of Illinois Identification Cards, and holders of Illinois Disabled Person Identification Cards.

What challenges do paraplegic people face other than being not able to move some parts of their body?

Limited access to some buildings, because of stairs, lack of ramps, etc. Prejudice. Being treated like the person is mentally disabled even when they are only physically disabled. Often a person in a wheelchair, if shopping accompanied by a friend or family member, will find that the cashier will hand their money and receipt to the person with them, instead of to the disabled person, as if the disabled person is incapable of handling money. Some people will actually speak to the disabled person in a manner usually reserved for children, instead of treating an adult disabled person like an adult. Many disabled people are very lonely and are socially very isolated.