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If you can afford to keep disability insurance, I would. As we get older, our bodies become fragile, and you want to be fully covered just in case.

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Q: Should you cancel a disability insurance policy if you take early retirement?
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One should cancel term life insurance when it is no longer needed, or the premiums required become unaffordable

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My husband was hurt on the job on 9-2-08. He was denied workman's compensation , so we have hired a lawyer. He is on total temporary disability and the company he works for is going to cancel his personal medical insurance within 5 days. Can they do this while he is on disability?

Can you cancel auto insurance if you are not driving?

If you don't own a vehicle, or have no intention of driving, you do not have to maintain auto insurance.

Can you cancel motorcycle insurance if you sell motorcycle?

Sure, you can. The insurance company should pay you a pro-rated refund after you cancel the policy.

How can I cancel my federal health insurance?

If you are an active employee you would need to contact your personell office, and if retired, contact the office that handles retirement benefits. It should only require that you sign a form or two.

Do you cancel your insurance on a a voluntary Repossession?

If this is a vehicle you own and can not pay for it any longer and decide to give it back, yes, you should cancel the insurance you have on it AFTER it is out of your possession.

When a car is repossessed what do you do with the insurance?

When a car has been repossessed the person paying the insurance should cancel it.

Should you cancel the car insurance on a repossessed car in Florida?

Yes of course you should!

Should you cancel the car insurance on a repossessed car in NJ?


How do you cancel my insurance?

Call your insurance agent and tell them you would like to cancel your insurance.

Disability insurance: A deeper insight?

There are different kinds of disability insurance in the market today. These are inclusive of mortgage, credit and individual disability income. Those who have never taken disability insurance seriously should take time to understand the subject better. People are likely to benefit from disability benefits instead of receiving death benefits from a life policy. However, the majority would prefer to insure their lives other than take on a disability insurance policy. Research has proved that a worker who is twenty years of age has got a three in ten chance of getting disabled before attaining the retirement age. The ability that one possesses to work is his or her biggest asset and it happens to be the one that is least protected. The thought of losing your job can be devastating. Imagine the duration it would take to reduce your savings to zero if you have no income at all. Many people have ended up claiming bankruptcy because of disability. The good news is that this does not necessarily have to be the situation. The disability insurance will allow one to have a protective plan aimed at dealing with unexpected situations. Income acquired from a disability insurance policy is designed as a replacement of at least forty five to sixty percent of the victim's gross income. Disability is described as being unable to perform the usual income generating duties that one used to do in the past. Most disability cases are caused by either accidents or ailments such as heart disease and cancer among others. The disability insurance policy that you choose should have certain features. The policy should provide you with adequate cover in case you are unable to perform your current duties and hence earning an income becomes challenging. Ensure that the policy is guaranteed renewable which implies that the insurer cannot cancel the policy as long as the premiums are being paid. Most of these policies mature once the holder attains the age of sixty five years. The elimination duration of the policy should also be considered. This period is the amount of time that the policy remains in force after the injury. It is worth noting that the elimination period is one of the most important factors that should be kept in mind when purchasing disability insurance. The premiums that you are suppose to pay for the disability insurance cover is mainly affected by your occupational class. This means the kind of job that you are doing is related to the risk level and consequently the insurance company determines how much premium you should pay. Since you never know when disability may set in, it is important to consider speaking to your agent about a disability insurance policy.