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Q: Is there a special way for a person in a leotard to go to th toilet?
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Why are female gymnasts requiered to wear a leotard?

Female gymnasts wear leotards so they will be able to perform all their events without their costumes getting in the way. The leotard is also designed to cover the body in an appropriate way.

In Japan when women have their period how do they dispose of the pads or tampons Is there some special way like wrapping in toilet paper?

Women in Japan dispose of their used tampons and pads just like women elsehwere in the world - wrap-up in old wrapper, toilet paper, or disposable bags then throw in the bin. They don't use a special way of folding the toilet paper...there is no tampon disposal origami paper crane type situation going on.

How do orcas go to the toilet?

The same way you and I do. They have a special slit on their middle bodies, the higher part being their genitals, the lower being their anus.

Can you be an awesome person?

Everyone is awesome in their own special way.

What makes a person special?

What makes a person special, is completely in the way you view the word special. Special can mean so many wonderful or horrible things. As they say " is in the eye of the beholder" so is the word special, you'll know if someone is special to you or not.

Which way does the water spin when you flush the toilet?

AnswerUnlilke common belief, what hemisphere you live in has nothing to do with the way the toilet flushes. It spins according to how your toilet is manufactured.

How do you wear a leotard?

Much the same as a swim put it on the same way you put on a 1 piece bathing suit.

Which way should I sit on the toilet?

Legs on the other side of the toilet lid.

How do elephant go to the toilet?

Biologically? The same way you do.Physically? They won't fit in the toilet.

What is the best way to clean a toilet?

the best way to clean the toilet is to put liquid soap and a Clorox and left it at 5 minuetes after 5 minnuetes is over rub the toilet with the brush and rinse it.

How does Cheryl Cole take her fight for this love top off The part with the mesh down the middle?

The same way you take a leotard off.

If the seal is broken on toilet can this cause water to back up into tub when toilet is flushed?

NO way