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a disabled person can be in the special Olympics but not in the real Olympics

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The Paralympics and the Special Olympics ~ See related link below .

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Basketball and a few other stuff

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βˆ™ 8y ago

The Paralympic Games

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Q: Is there a Olympics for disabled people?
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Related questions

What is the paralympic games?

The Olympics for disabled people.

How are the Paralympics different from the Olympics?

The paralympics are for disabled people

What are the differences and similarities between Olympics and Paralympics?

Paralympics is for disabled people and Olympics is for people without disabilities.

How many disabled people will take pat in the 2012 London Olympics?


Should disabled athletes be allowed to qualify for Olympics Games?

yes because disabled people have the same rights as everyone else

Why do the Paralympic games held different from the Summer olympic games?

the Olympians are disabled-i think its great that they have their own Olympics!CLARIFICATIONThe impairments in each of these athletic competitions is very different.Paralympics - for athletes with mobility or vision impairment.Special Olympics - for athletes with intellectual impairment.

10 Differences between paraolympics and Olympics 2008?

heres the obvious para means disabled people only and Olympics is regular.

Why were disabled people not allowed to compete in the early Olympics games?

because zeus didn't want them to.

Why have disabled athletes been allowed in the Olympics?

Disabled people don't actually take part in the Olympics but in something similar called the Paralympics which is for disabled people only. Everyone should get a chance in the Olympics whether you're rich, poor, old, young or even disabled. Its for everyone to join in and have some fun and it doesn't matter about your colour, race, where you were born or what you look like. It is very hard for disabled people to join any clubs for sport or actually do any sport therefore having the Paralympics gives them something to join in and enjoy.

What is the name of disable Olympics?

The "disabled Olympics" is officialy called the Paralympics

What is the Paralympics games?

The Paralympics are Olympics for the disabled. They are usually held the week after the Olympics

What games are played in the Olympics for the disabled?
