Pizza, Pasta and Parmasen cheese
The Italian word for cream cheese is philadelphia.
"The cheese" in English is il formaggio in Italian.
"Crackers and cheese" in English is cracker e formaggioin Italian.
"Cheese pizza" in English means pizza con formaggio in Italian.
"Cream cheese" in English is formaggio fresco e burrosoin Italian.
Asiago cheese is an Italian cheese. It is produced in the Vicenza and Trento provinces of Italy.Asiago cheese is an Italian cheese. It is produced in the Vicenza and Trento provinces of Italy.
It is a type of cheese made in Italy. It can be served fresh or aged. It is often baked on panini or bread.
Formaggio is an Italian equivalent of "cheese." The masculine singular noun may be preceded immediately by the masculine singular il since Italian employs definite articles where English does and does not use "the." The pronunciation will be "for-MADJ-djyo" in Pisan Italian.
Mascarpone cheese
it is cheese in a form like cottage cheese, but tastier Italian
"Ka-soo mar-tsoo" is the pronunciation of the Italian cheese named Casu Marzu. The cheese in question may be found most deliciously and natively on the Italian island of Sardinia. The pronunciation of the name in peninsular Italian, formaggio marcio ("rotten cheese"), will be "for-MAD-djo MAR-tcho."