

Is Saint Diana a patron saint?

Updated: 9/28/2023
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11y ago

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Diana d'Andalo, daughter of one of the noblest and most powerful families of thirteenth century Bologna, Italy, asked her parents to allow her to enter the convent of the sisters of the Order Preachers (Dominicans). But her parents had other plans for her, and refused. Diana then ran away to an Augustinian convent; her brothers found her and brought her home after she put up quite a struggle. (She had to remain at home nursing several broken ribs for some weeks afterwards). At last, Diana was permitted to enter the Dominican convent of Saint Agnes. She died in 1236, and was beatified in 1891. Beatification is the next-to-last step in the process of becoming a saint. Diana does not yet have the title "Saint", she is called, instead, "Blessed Diana", but we can say about both saints and blesseds that "they have been raised to the altars of the Church."

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Diana is not a patron saint.

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