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Q: Is London's annual rainfall higher than Brazil's?
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What is the annual Amount of rainfall in Forks Washington?

Average rainfall in Forks is about 120" ±, but it gets higher. In 1997 it was over 160 inches.

Why is uae a desert?

Pretty much the entire country is a desert, with the annual evaporation rate higher than the average annual rainfall.

What is the annual average rainfall in west Texas?

The annual average rainfall in West Texas ranges from 10 to 20 inches, though this can vary depending on the specific location within the region. Some areas may receive less rainfall due to the semi-arid climate, while others may experience slightly higher amounts.

What latitudinal zones of the earth generally receiver higher annual rainfall?

the tropics 5 degrees N to 23.5 degrees N

What is the annual rainfall in Oceania?

Annual rainfall in Oceania varies greatly among different regions. In general, areas like the eastern coast of Australia and New Zealand receive higher rainfall, while central Australia and parts of the Pacific Islands can be quite dry. Specific rainfall amounts depend on the location and prevailing weather patterns.

Which has the higher annual rainfall London or Hong Kong?

Hong Kong has a higher annual rainfall compared to London. Hong Kong typically receives around 2,400 millimeters of rainfall annually, while London receives approximately 600-700 millimeters.

Average rainfall in Sault Ste Marie?

The average annual rainfall in Sault Ste Marie is around 34 inches. The city receives precipitation fairly evenly throughout the year, with slightly higher amounts in the summer months.

Annual rainfall in Arabian Peninsula?

The Arabian Peninsula experiences varying levels of rainfall across different regions. The average annual rainfall in most parts of the peninsula is low, ranging from less than 100 mm to around 250 mm. However, some highland areas can receive higher amounts of rainfall, particularly in southwestern regions like Yemen and parts of Saudi Arabia. Generally, the Arabian Peninsula is characterized by arid to semi-arid conditions with limited precipitation.

What is the average amount rainfall per year in tanzania?

The average annual rainfall in Tanzania varies depending on the region. In general, coastal areas receive around 1000-2000mm of rainfall per year, while inland areas receive between 500-1000mm of rainfall annually. Some regions in Tanzania, such as the highlands, can receive higher amounts of rainfall exceeding 2000mm per year.

What is the annual rainfall in Cumbria?

Cumbria typically receives around 1,800mm (70 inches) of rainfall annually, making it one of the wettest regions in England. The rainfall is distributed relatively evenly throughout the year, with slightly higher levels during the autumn months.

What gets higher as it falls?

Rainfall Or snow