Il a trois têtes et cinq jambes means 'he has three heads and five legs' in French.
Time-wise? You'd say Il est trois heures moins cinq. or il est deux heures cinquante cinq.
il est sept heures quarante-cinq/ il est huit heures moins le quart il est= it is
"Il y a trois ans" means "three years ago" in English.
Il a trois.
Three weeks ago - Il y a trois semaines
"Il est six heures cinq" means "It is five past six" in English.
It is eleven o five. or It is five past eleven (11:05)
il a vingt-cinq ans
Il y a trois ....
il a trois chambres
In French, you would say "il est trois heures et demie" to indicate that it is 3.30.
Il est trois heures dix translates as 'it is ten past three (o'clock)'