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des chaussettes blanches

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Q: How to say white socks in french?
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How do you say' with socks' in french?

"Avec des chaussettes"

How do you say gray socks in french?

Chaussettes gris

How do you say sports socks in french?

Chaussettes de sport

What does socks mean it french?

Chasettes is socks in French.

How do you say Socks in french?

To say sock in French you would say, chaussette. To say pants you would say pantalon, and to say shirt you would say chemise.

How do you say socks monster in french?

the sock monster would be spelled "le monstre des chaussettes" in French. But it seems a very American thing - maybe French simply never lose their socks?

How do you say a pair of sports socks in french?

deux de soc sportif

How do you say Thank you for the socks in French?

merci beaucoup pour les chaussettes

How do you say I have warm pink socks in french?

J'ai des chaussettes rose foncé

What color socks does Nathan kress wear?

he wears white socks

Why does the French football team wear blue?

The kit is blue jersey, white shorts and red socks, recalling the colors of the french flag.

What does Its socks mean?

Chasettes is socks in French.