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It's really hard to say, because no one can say for certain that they wouldn't have gotten hurt if they had had helmets on. If you hit your chin for instance, then you'd probably have done that even with a helmet. And if you didn't bump your head at all, then the helmet hasn't helped either. And if you hit real hard, then even with the helmet, there might be some damage.

One thing that is easy to say though is that every time you get home with a big scrape on the helmet, then that would most probably have been on your scalp if it wasn't for the helmet.

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11y ago
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13y ago

To be able to answer that properly you'd have to be certain that it was the helmet that made the difference between life and death, and to be able to say that you'd need two accidents that are identical in everything but the use of a helmet or not.

Considering the above, and the big random factor in bike accidents, it's hard to give a good answer to the above.

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12y ago

It's really hard to tell.

First, not all people go to the hospital for the same level of injury, so we won't know about those to just went home and got themselves an ice pack and some painkillers.

Next is that it's hard to say exactly what the helmet did. Just b/c you got hurt while not wearing a helmet isn't proof that a helmet would have offered good protection for that particular fall.

A helmet isn't that great on face protection for instance. If you managed to hit your chin, well, that would probably have happened with a helmet too as an example.

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15y ago

too many! wear one buy a nice one which you feel comfortable in physically and psychologically (fashion wise) so you will be more inclined to wear it.

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13y ago


People are saved by making good decisions and safely skiing, Snowboarding, and bike riding, not by helmets.

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