it took one day i repeat 1 day
Mount Everest does not erupt as it is not a volcano.
Mount Erebus did not erupt in 2011. The last known eruption of Mount Erebus in Antarctica occurred in 2018.
52 min
Mount Pelee is a volcano and still is one
No. It erupted a long time before that.
Mount Rainer in USA,these are called dormant volcanoes.
It erupted a long time ago: December 17th, 1707 till January 1st 1708
An extinct volcano has not had an eruption for at least 10,000 years and is not expected to erupt again in a comparable time scale of the future
After two days of earthquake activity, on March 28, 1983, Mount Etna erupted. By April 23, 1983 the lava flow was 4 miles long.
False for example Mount Shasta is still considered an active volcano but erupted in the 1700s
Mount Vesuvius last erupted in 1944. So, approximately 2000 years ago.