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  1. The diplomat accused the other nation's leader of brinkmanship for refusing to redeploy the troops along their nations' shared border.

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Brink means at the edge of a steep place such as a cliff above an abyss or the edge of and abstract place such as a disaster.

It was the brink of the New Year when we discovered that we were out of champagne.

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When did brinkmanship start?

Brinkmanship occurred in 1956.

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How did president eisenhower use brinkmanship and the threat of massive retaliation to prevent war with the Soviet Union?

relied on small nuclear arms.

What were some risks and advantages of the strategy of brinkmanship?

Brinkmanship is the act of pushing a situation to the verge of war, in order to threaten and encourage one's opponent to back down. Brinkmanship in the Cold War refers to the constant competition between the U. States of America and the Soviet Union.

What were some risks and advantages of strategy of brinkmanship?

Brinkmanship is the act of pushing a situation to the verge of war, in order to threaten and encourage one's opponent to back down. Brinkmanship in the Cold War refers to the constant competition between the U. States of America and the Soviet Union.

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Who created brinkmanship?

Brinkmanship is the act of pushing certain events (normally dangerous) to the brink of disaster to achieve an outcome that is of an advantage. The term was thought to be created by Adlai Stevenson.

Why was the policy of brinkmanship replaced?

The Eisenhower policy of nuclear brinkmanship was taking the country from crisis to another. Brinkmanship was eventually replaced with the Detente Policy by both the United States as well as the Soviet Union. Efforts began to thaw the Cold War.

Which Secretary of State developed brinkmanship?

John Foster Dulles

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Why was the policy brinkmanship replaced?

One crisis came after another ~(≧v≦)~