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Q: How do you lift a permanent ban on transformice?
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How long does a permanent ban last for?

"Permanent" means forever.

How long do Transformice bans last?

Usually lasts one hour, but if you hacked, it is a permanent ban. It depends on what parts of the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use or Code of Conduct you violated and to what extreme was it violated. Also they take enforcement history on your account into consideration.

How do you get permanently banned on transformice?

If that's what you want, then you can try the following methods: 1. Hack 2. Call a moderator to ban you

How long does a Transformice ban last?

Typically, it lasts one hour. However, if you are caught hacking, your account is permanently banned.

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The ban was lifted in 2000.

What is the term for a permanent suspension?

A permanent suspension is typically referred to as a ban or a permanent ban. This term indicates that the suspension is indefinite and will not be lifted.

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Usually, the ban is permanent until someone unbans you.

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An IP ban is just so you can't create another account or play another account on your computer for the duration of the ban. Whether it's permanent or not depends on the offense, and if the moderator that banned you made it permanent or not.

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When you ban someone from something are they banned forever?

Totally depends on the site or situation. In most cases a ban is permanent. There are exceptions and it depends on the organization that is imposing the ban. Bans on WikiAnswers can be temporary or permanent depending on what the ban is for. It can range from a few hours to several weeks to forever.

How do you ban on transformice?

You simply type in:/ban (name of mouse here)There must be atleast 9 other mice with different IP adresses that voted to ban the mouse.Another way of banning is calling a Moderator.If you want to see other controls, click on the button saying:Help/Rules

If you are barred from a store how long are you barred for?

The length of the ban from a store can vary depending on the store's policies. It could range from a temporary ban for a few days or weeks to a permanent ban. It's best to check with the store for specific details on the duration of the ban.